The sun shone, a new series and our driver was itching to get back on the water as the wind was forecast to be light! It didn't quite turn out that way as it picked up considerably which resulted in some interesting sailing. It also gave an opportunity for some action shots. Big Merlin showed off a new main sail that didn't help at all, Twinfinity sported a furling gennacker on a short bowsprit that didn't quite, and our driver was up to his normal tricks of warning of a tack after the event. All in all a very normal TARS race.
Congratulations to Little Merlin, the smallest boat in the fleet to gain second place on corrected time behind Koco. Supermac came in a creditable third. But the best part of the day happened in the bar afterwards when our TARdies presented me with a birthday cake and card celebrating my 80th. Thanks so much. Handicaps will be suitably adjusted!
The full results are in the blog file below and more photos are on the TARS Facebook page.