A wet, gusty sail, but eight intrepid TARS skippers braved the conditions! The expression on Steve's face says it all. It is very noticeable that Argento did not undergo her intended upgrade to a bendy boat, there was no space to accommodate the 13 litre 300HP turbo charged diesel engine! So it's back to a 3 HP outboard.
Another boat joined the TARS fleet, a Hawk 20, helmed by Keith Lewis on behalf of Celtic Capability Sailing, a charity that offers a sailing experience to all ages regardless of ability now based at CBYC. I have given them a starting CB Rating of 1100 but that will be updated after the completion of 4 races.
A fine result with Koco taking race honours closely followed by the pack. Cutty Stark had the honour of displaying the lantern rouge! The results are in the blog file below.