Another fickle wind from somewhere in the south west! A split start again and indecision on the best side to go to the windward mark. The next leg should have been a good spinnaker broad reach, but wasn't! Our expert spinnaker man, Steve, was away testing the stability of a very large cruise liner as well as his own after a bottle of wine. So our driver stood in on the foredeck and certainly kept the weight forward if nothing else, the stern was well clear of the water. It almost ended in disaster when he forgot to stow the pole and it got tangled up with the genoa! Come back Steve.
The rest of the race was somewhat the same, chose a side and suddenly realise you made the wrong choice, as did others. Congratulations to Nutmeg for taking race honours very closely followed by Koco who both seemed to choose the correct side. The rest were nowhere.
The full results of yesterday's race are in the blog file below and more photos are on the TARS Facebook page.