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Let the Dinghy Racing & Cruising Begin!

Updated: Sep 11, 2021

Dinghy Racing

The Race schedule has been circulated via email to those on the dinghy section mailing list, if you've not had it email Charlie and we'll add you to it.

Racing starts at 7pm this Wednesday evening (28th) and 10am Sunday 2nd May. Please check the schedule carefully for when it's your turn to do duties and keep an eye out for race start times as these do occasionally vary! We have had to be a lot more wide ranging with those we are calling in this year as CYC have not yet opened up. If you cannot make your duty please try and arrange a swap and email Sally W to let her know the outcome- it's YOUR job unless you've swapped with someone, so don't leave it to the last minute.

Please also note the Sunday start times. This year we will be trialling working better with the Cruiser Racing section so that cruiser sailors can join dinghy races and vice versa. That means we do not always start at 10 am - you will have to keep a close eye on the start times if you want to race Sundays. I hope this will be supported by dinghies and cruisers alike, and I am sorry to those who are inconvenienced - its hard to please everyone. We will however keep it under review.

Dinghy Cruising For the non racers out there, your new Cruising Secretary is yours truly, Carmel R. We have included some social cruising dates on the schedule, if anyone is interested in an event coming up please email Carmel to sign up. Any cruising outside of Cardiff Bay does require an alternative means of propulsion (e.g. an outboard) so we may require volunteer sailors to undertake towing of sailing boats who don't have these means for the events.

  • Cruiseday from 4pm weekdays weather permitting (check WhatsApp)

  • Sun 4th April 2 Rivers Cruise in Company

  • Mon 2nd May Bank Holiday Cruise through the locks and to Penarth

  • Mon 31st May Bank Holiday Cruise (Flatholm Island? TBC)

  • Sun 1st Aug Cruise Day (Location TBC)

Tideway dinghy sailing boat leaving CBYC's shore
Carmel's Tideway (I nearly said "new" but it was built in 1962!)

A huge thank you to Stuart our Sailing Secretary for getting the Weather Station and Webcams up and running, now there's no excuse not to be on the water - so see you out there!

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